The day we saw the moon rising above a lonely tree, birds flying across pink sky, our hands were freezing but we were just there, so present in that moment, it didn't matter. We fell in love with that tree.

The day that prague was wearing white dress made from snowflakes, we bought a cup of hot cocoa and we were wandering around the old town for hours, hand in hand.

The day our sweet little Mae the rabbit first came into our home and we started to get to know each other.

The day when the first little flowers started to bloom and I sat on my favourite bench in botanical gardens and it woke up my soul.

The day we were sitting by a lake near our town with my sister and my mom, enjoying the first of those warm afternoons outside, watching beautiful swans flying across a clear sky, with their reflection on the calm water of the lake.

The day when went to the forest to find lillies of the valley. When we were running up and down the hill, leaving our troubles behind.

The day I started my pottery lessons and I fell in love with it. The smell of clay, all these infinity possibilities when you sit by a pottery wheel and you just follow your imagination. My mind was surprisingly calm and all my thoughts became strangly flat. It was like a meditation to me. After lessons I stepped outside the atelier and I went home through streets of prague, filled with summer scent, laughter and flickering lights hanging in almost every café garden.

The day we went to see hidden waterfall in the mountains and we just had to take a swim in that twinkly cold water and we could not stop laughing because it was so so cold. But it was perfect. And then we had to run to our car to hide because we could hear thunders coming closer and closer and it started to rain just as we close the door.

The days we were camping by a lake and one morning we were alone on a little beach. Waves were so gentle and the light was so special, we could not speak for a couple of minutes.

..and afternoon light was someting like this.

The days we were wandering through beautiful fairytale forests in austria, covered with dark green moss.

.. when we felt like we could see some fairies or hobbits in every corner.

The days when we were living in a small cottage for a couple of days and we were learning how to catch a moment and put it on the paper, how to recognise different colours and tell your brush to make a stroke just like you want it to.

And then autumn came.

Days filled with drinking one herb tea after another, listening to raindrops dancing on our roof all night, reading for hours and making little trips around the area. I felt so relaxed, there was nothing that must be done, nowhere to be, we just let the time pass and enjoy each other's company.
And it was the most magical start of my favourite season.

.. and this fall was just perfect.

I also made a trip to Scotland. I wrote a whole blogpost about it, you can read that if you want.
I shared a lot of pictures!

And then winter came. Days were full of meeting our whole family, eating a lot of gingerbread cookies and celebrating christmas.

..and with that, it's time to say goodbye to 2019. I am feeling so grateful for this past year, it was wonderful.
Thank you so much for reading my thoughts and for visiting my little corner of internet.
I hope you are all well.
Your Ani
