hello, everyone,
as you may have noticed on my instagram, I spent a couple of days in my favourite city again. It seems to me like it has become some kind of a ritual, going there by myself every autumn, packing up my snugly jumpers and spending my days wandering around those magical streets with my heart open and my mind calm.
Every time I'm there I am thinking about how I wish my loved ones could be there with me, how I would like them to feel what I feel and that I must take them with me next time. But somehow - going back alone always bring me such a calm feeling. I am free to go wherever I want, sometimes I just don't think about my destination and it is actually such an amazing stress free feeling. I let my inner me decide where to go.
Every time I was there to visit in the past the sun barely leaved the sky, and the sunshine was tickling my face almost all day long and because of that, I could see the most beautiful sunrise through the windows of my bedroom. But this time during my visit it was cloudy and drizzly and also very windy. I could tell you about me trying to cover myself with an umbrella and how it didnt work at all.
But you know what, I had the best time there, I could not stop smiling all day, I had raindrops on my cheeks, my hair was wet and crazy wavy and it didn't bother me at all.
Well, I would like to share with you some photos I took during my trip. I hope you will like them.